2nd Annual Canadian Autumn Seed Exchange

Last year I ran a seed exchange.  I loved doing it. I got to sort through seeds all day at work (:  It was like a massive jigsaw puzzle trying to fit people’s’ wish lists in with what was sent in. I think that it worked out fantastically well. The swap was so much fun to do last year, I decided to give it another go – This swap is for any kind of seed. Vegetable, herb, flower, fruit… All Canadians are welcome!

(Partially paraphrased from Heather MacDonald’s annual pepper/tomato swap guidelines – with her permission)…

Let me know if you are interested in participating in the comments area I will email my address to you.

Or you could post in any one of the threads below:

I use my business address & the postman brings the mail straight to me – this eliminates any problems with seeds sitting outside in a cold mailbox! If you don’t get a private message from me in a day or two, let me know… I will try to check the thread daily. Seeds are due in on November 23rd, so please put your seeds in the mail on or before November 12th to ensure that it reaches me on time. Of course, you can send your envelope earlier.

1. You can send in up to 40 seed packs. If you are sending in extra seeds as a bonus please mark them clearly as a bonus. If you send in 40 packages, you will get 40 packages back. If you send in 5 packages you will get 5 back. Bonuses will be divided between everyone, so you should end up with more than you send in.

2. You can send NAMED VARIETIES of any open pollinated seed. Please mark the seed package with the type of seed (annual or perennial flower, herb, vegetable, etc.) & the cultivar name. If you know – mark whether they are heirloom or OP, or hybrid. If seeds are from a commercial source, please note that as well. Basically put as much info as you can on the packet. If there is anything that are unsure of, just ask! Do not include mixes or mystery seeds unless they are clearly marked as bonus seed. It isn`t fair to send mystery seed to people who followed the instructions & sent in named varieties. Unknown varieties will be sent back to you, unless marked as bonuses.

If you are sending in hybrid seed to exchange, only F1 seed from a commercial source is acceptable. Please mark the source on the package. Do not send in seeds you have collected from a hybrid plant. They will not grow true to the original parent plant. If you are unsure if the seed you have collected is from a hybrid, please research online before mailing in your seeds or send me a message and I will try to find out.
Seed doesn`t need to be collected from bagged or separated varieties – accidental crosses occasionally happen. When you grow out the seeds that you receive please try not to be upset if an occasional plant isn`t true. Sometimes crosses are better than the original … That being said, please don`t send in seed that you know is crossed & will not grow true.

3. Please include a list of the seeds that you are sending in. Also include a wish list or preferences and if there are any seeds you do not want to receive. If you are only interested in heirloom or OP, please tell me. I will try my best to accommodate your wish list, but there are no guarantees. The returned seeds will be completely dependent on what is sent in. The easiest wishlists to fill include some specifics, but also some general wishes. Don’t be shy. It is easier, if your wishlist has 100 things on it! (: If you wish to email your wishlist earlier, please feel free. If you have something on your wishlist & get it from another source, or find something that you wish to add to your list at any time before I send back your envelope, just let me know.

4. Please mail your seeds inside of a bubble envelope with your return address label inside. It is important that you send a regular bubble envelope & not the heavy cardboard insulated type to keep within the weight restriction. Please send $2.10 return postage. I will reuse your original bubble envelope to send your surprise seeds back to you. If you go to Canada Post to mail your envelope & they try to charge you more, be sure to tell them that is non-standard lettermail.
The weight categories are:

$1.29 up to 100 grams
$2.10 100-200 grams
$2.95 200-300 grams

Canada Post

5. Please include both your real name (for mailing) and your screen name – so that I know who has sent in their seeds!

Inside your bubble wrap envelope you should have;
1. Whatever seed you are contributing to the swap
2. A list of whatever seed you have put in your envelope
3. Stamps totalling $2.10 (you will need another $2.10 in stamps to send your seeds to me)
4. An address label with your address on it.
5. A wish list or list of preferences or do not want list (:
6. Include your name & screen name!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. Happy trading !!!!


This entry was posted in 2012 garden, flowers, herbs, seed exchange, Veggie Garden and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to 2nd Annual Canadian Autumn Seed Exchange

  1. Susan Burwash says:

    From BC and full interested!
    Hard to find traders in Canada!
    Seed swap posting is where I saw this!


  2. nicky says:

    In case anyone is following along…

    The last of the seed packages are going out in the mail in the morning.

    In the end there were 37 gardeners that participated. A few more than last year.

    There were a lot of tomatoes & beans this year. Some crazy cool varieties: From Asters & Alliums to Lemon and white Cucumbers, over 60 varieties of tomato, Azuki beans, lentils and black soybeans, 2 types of naked seeded pumpkins, Gai Lan, Tepary beans to mauve garlic… Hellebores & Trinidad Scorpion Butch T peppers, Venus Poppy and red celery… Elephant grass for basketweaving and lemon basil, popcorn, Coleus, white and yellow beets, jupiter’s Beard and fairy squash. There was almost every type of veg I could think of, lots of flowers, even Amaryllis seeds! There were tons of herbs, medicinal and cooking. I think in the end everyone got at least 5 bonus packs and most wishlists were well filled (:

    Hope everyone who participated liked their returned seeds & if you are reading this after it is all over – join up next year!!!


  3. doh, just missed this. please add me to the list for the next one…



  4. Dawn says:

    Hi Nicky,

    I recently joined the GardenWeb Canadian Seed Exchange forum and a very kind lady named Sara not only agreed to trade with me (I’m a newbie and don’t have a lot of seed to offer yet) but referred me to your blog and told me about the amazing seed swap you host each year. I am hoping to grow a big garden this year (mostly heirlooms) and if all goes well, I should have enough seed to allow me to participate in the next seed swap you hold!

    Really enjoy your blog – love the pictures you post, and found the “tomato rating” article very helpful. 🙂


    • nicky says:

      Thank you Dawn! I think that I know the Sara that you are writing about – if she was the same one as the Sara in the exchange… Really funny woman. I loved getting to correspond with her a bit this fall. (: Even if you only have a few seeds in the fall, send them in anyway. If you send in 2 packages of seed you are guaranteed to get 2 packages back – but really, it will end up being about 10 packs with all of the bonuses that people send in. There are so many generous gardeners!

      Thanks for the compliments… I always wonder if anyone reads my blog!


      • Dawn says:

        Yes, that’s her! *L*

        I have what might be a silly question: What size should the bubble envelopes be? I want to be ready for the next swap!

        I am sure more people read your blog than you think. 🙂 I used to write a blog (haven’t worked on it in quite a while) and installed a Feedburner widget on it. It tells you how many people visit your site and where they are from, in real time. It’s neat!


  5. nickynicky says:

    I get all sizes of envelopes. They range in size from 6×8″ to 12×8″. It depends what kind of seed you are sending in – and what you hope to receive back. If you are hoping for lots of beans, peas & squash, I would go with a bit larger envelope. If you are interested in lettuce, tomato, pepper & broccoli, the smaller envelopes are large enough! If you would like, send me your email & I will let you know when the swap starts again this year! The instructions are pretty detailed – but very easy! With such a range of gardeners – you see a bit of everything. The actual seed packets are amazing. Some look like professional seed companies printed them, some are stapled together! Some are in small sandwich bags!


  6. Fawn Clark says:

    Hi can you please send me the address, of where to mail my seeds, I have 20 packs to share…found you from CanadianGardening.com post (Milagroski is my screen name)


  7. Pingback: 3rd Annual Canadian Autumn Seed Exchange | Nickys Garden

  8. Pingback: Seed Swaps of a Different Sort | The Suburban Garden

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